October 22-28 is Spiritual and Pastoral Care Week, a time to honor individuals who provide spiritual services and support. It is also a good time to focus on the advantages that these spiritual programs can potentially bring to individuals in need and to those caring for them.

At Assured Trust Company, we are blessed to have such an individual on our team. In that regard, meet Michael Campbell, Care Manager. Michael came to this role by way of his position as Community Liaison Director at Shepherd Elder Law Group (SEL). He started his work at SEL over 5 years ago, and during that time, was referred to, affectionately as well as a bit tongue in cheek, as the firm’s Chaplain. Well, as they say, “Many a truth is spoken in jest!” For Michael is truly a chaplain at heart as well as by education and profession.

An ordained minister, Michael also completed three years of post-college education at Sioux Falls Seminary and holds a Master’s degree in Family Counseling. He is an effective communicator on all things care-related whether serving the elderly, those with disabilities, or those struggling on their own spiritual journey. With all of these qualifications, Michael was an ideal hire for the Care Team at Assured Trust Company.

In his work at ATC, he especially enjoys connecting to people spiritually and offering prayer support during the caring for the needs of his clients. His talents have been well-received by those he serves in his role.

Michael was recently asked about the 3 most valuable benefits of providing spiritual and pastoral care.

  1. It establishes a close connection between the spiritual care provider and client.
  2. It puts the client in touch with their desired spiritual heritage (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Agnostic, etc.).
  3. There is great benefit in receiving prayer, voicing needs, and expressing trust in someone greater than ourselves.

Michael continues to be amazed at the effects that pastoral care has on those whom he serves and to whom he provides care. Sometimes, care involves taking a client to an appointment. At other times, he takes a client to a social event as an enriching activity. He has also assisted with funeral planning. Meeting clients where they are at, both in terms of their own overall health and wellness as well as their spiritual health and wellbeing.

A recent story, shared by Michael, involves a client who, while on in years, shared experiences of his early life with Michael. Said he did not attend church much but always remembers his own mother’s strong faith as well as her church in the south. These memories are part of the client’s journey of faith… that as his present life limits his abilities and experiences, the pastoral care opens avenues of communication and leads to spiritual growth and overall wellness.

Michael’s spiritual talents go beyond ATC Care Management. A few years ago, he started Prayer Share, a local, faith-based group for senior care professionals, and this group continues to thrive. He and his wife, Vicki, are also founding members of Trinity Fellowship Church in Olathe, KS. This past weekend was Trinity’s very first public worship. Michael was happy to say that there were over 300 in attendance.

To all spiritual and pastoral care providers, we say, “Thank you.”